Important information
Important information
Intermoney Valores SV is a member of the CIMD Group (leading independent brokerage and consultancy group in the Spanish financial and energy markets). Intermoney Valores SV is an investment services company focused mainly on brokerage in securities markets, discretionary portfolio management and financial advice.
Intermoney Valores SV is a Spanish securities company authorised and supervised by the Spanish Securities Market Commission (CNMV). It is also obliged to comply with anti-money laundering regulations under the supervision of the Bank of Spain’s Commission for the Prevention of Money Laundering and Monetary Offences – SEPBLAC.
In this section, users will find information on both the securities company and the services it provides, as well as the procedures and policies on which these services are based. To access this information, simply click on the various headings.
Investment services
- Receipt, transmission and execution of clients’ orders.
- Discretionary and tailored management of portfolios.
- Issuance of financial instruments.
- Investment advice.
Ancillary services
- Custody and administration of financial instruments.
- Advice to companies on capital structures, industrial strategy, mergers and acquisitions.
- Compilation of investment reports and financial research.
Intermoney Valores SV provides the services described above in connection with financial instruments pursuant to article 2 of Law 24/1988, dated 28 July, known as the Securities Market Act.
- Services to retail clients
- Categorisation under MIFID criteria
- Information on financial instruments
- Suitability and appropriateness
- Best execution policy
- Summary of best execution policy
- Policy on conflicts of interest
- Contracts
To access a prospectus of general rates applicable to retail clients for the services provided by Intermoney Valores SV, simply click on Prospectus or visit
CIMD Intermoney Research: la plataforma de informes de mercado independientes, gestionada por Intermoney Consultoría.
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